People who live in a nursing home can’t go to church….

…so the Church must go to them!

Less than 5% of American churches have a dedicated nursing home outreach. We want to change that.

We know it can feel overwhelming or even less than exciting to offer church services in a nursing home, but we promise it can be one of the most impactful things you will do this side of heaven.

We have free resources and ideas to help people get started.

We want to make it as easy as possible for volunteers to serve in a nursing home. We often talk to people on the phone or invite them to shadow us, walking them through how their church can get a nursing home ministry started.

At the local level, we are inside a nursing home every Sunday providing church for residents.

Every Sunday at 2pm, you’ll find us in the nursing home. It’s the highlight of our week!

We provide Bibles and scripture pages.

We are happy to provide large print Bibles and even audio Bibles. We also provide magnifying devices for those who need them.

We offer special church events too.

We’ve offered Christmas Eve services, Good Friday and Easter services. These have been so special to residents who really miss getting to attend church on those days. Last summer we provided a good old-fashioned Vacation Bible School at the nursing home. It was such a success, another church offered a Winter Bible School in the nursing home where they serve. We’re hoping the excitement for these events spreads!

Faith communities can provide what medicine alone cannot.

-Kenneth L. Carder, Ministry With the Forgotten: Dementia Through a Spiritual Lens

The most common spiritual care providers in long-term care facilities are not chaplains or medical providers. In many facilities, spiritual care is coordinated by the activity director. In others, no formal spiritual care is provided, and residents rely on friends, family, and volunteers for individual spiritual support.

Since at least 60% of residents don’t have visitors, they may have no one to provide any sort of spiritual care.

Do not cast me away when I am old;
do not forsake me when my strength is gone.
-Psalm 71:9

Touching Wrinkled Hands with Wedding Rings